Lo-fidelity Prototype
Due Tuesday, February 8
Your team will create a lo-fidelity prototype in order to simulate the actions of users. This prototype will be based on the information that you outlined in your proposal and on the design ideas arrived at by your team. A lo-fidelity prototype is a codeless, tangible representation of your team’s project, also known as a paper prototype.
A lo-fi prototype allows you to begin developing user interactions and the flow of information. Lo-fi prototypes also prevent you from coding up something that may not work or does not function the way that you envisioned it would. Take this opportunity to reach a consensus on the initial design of your project. You do not want to have conflicting ideas amongst team members as to the functionality of your project later in the semester. This prototype does not need to represent your final design, but you should put in a large amount of time and effort into what will be a guide for the rest of the semester. This is your opportunity to prove that we made the right choice in giving you a certain project.
Grading Rubric