Final Presentation

Wednesday, May 4 @ 1PM in HRBB 113

It is time to show off your projects and hard work. Final presentations will be given to your classmates, instructors, and select IAP members.

The final presentations session is your chance to show off all of your work and motivate your project.

HRBB 113 will be open starting at 11 AM so that teams can practice their presentations and set up their needed presentations and demos beforehand. Everyone will be required to run their presentation and video from the room's computer, and preload their needed files on the computer to make the presentations go smoothly.

Dress in business or business casual for your presentation. Each team will be given a set amount of time to present their projects, beginning at 1 PM. Teams should spend 10 - 15 minutes presenting, including showing their video. Questions will follow the presentation.

Create your presentation for an audience that does not know what your project is. In other words, prepare it to present to guests and not your classmates. It is better to include more photos to express your work than to load your slides with text. In general, your slide deck should include the following:

Motivation for your work
Previous Work related to your project
Implementation of your project
Your conducted Evaluations and results
Demo of your project
Your Final Video

Choose the order and content for your presentation that best express your contributions and strengths, but be prepared to discuss challenges. Make sure to practice ahead of time so that you are concise and clear. Every member of your team should contribute to the presentation.

Grading Rubric
Presentation grades will be based on both our evaluations and comments from IAP members and guests. A strong presentation will include the above sections and successfully motivate a project and expose its advantages. Be well prepared and professional in your presentation. You have gotten plenty of practice throughout the semester via in class demos and updates.